Branding • Copywriting • Content Creation • Design • 

Perfected for Coaches • Clinicians • Health Practitioners • 

Bea Vergara

Bea V. expressed concerns that her offer’s sales page copy felt outdated and templated, lacking the personalized touch she desired. Although the existing copy had proven effective in closing clients, Bea recognized the need for an upgrade to better align with her brand and target audience.
  • Interview: Conducted in-depth interviews with Bea to gain a comprehensive understanding of her branding, offer, and target market. This ensured that we captured her unique voice and language preferences, guiding our approach to crafting the copy.
  • Market Research: Conducted extensive market research to position Bea’s brand and offer as the premier service in her niche. This involved studying her competitors and conducting a SWOT analysis to identify opportunities for differentiation and strategic positioning.
  • Conversion Copy: Created a hybrid website/sales page copy tailored to effectively communicate Bea’s brand, offerings, and value propositions. The goal was to capture the attention of her target audience and drive conversions through compelling and persuasive messaging.
  • Home Page: Crafted engaging copy for the home page to provide visitors with a compelling introduction to Bea’s brand and offerings, encouraging further exploration of the website.
  • About Page: Developed a captivating narrative for the About page to showcase Bea’s story, expertise, and unique selling points, fostering trust and credibility with potential clients.
  • Services Page: Created persuasive copy for the Services page to highlight the benefits and value propositions of Bea’s offerings, effectively communicating the solutions she provides to her clients.


Bea V. is highly satisfied with our collaboration and the resulting copy. She feels that her brand and offerings are now accurately represented, and she is proud to showcase her website to her audience. The content resonates with both Bea and her market, strengthening her brand presence and positioning her for continued success.


She was able to put all that I do best into words and she got me on my page!

Ara is one of a kind! She’s more than just a copywriter — she’s a strategist and a great interviewer that got me in-depth with my answers! Everything I needed to get my tangled thoughts were arranged. She was able to put all that I do best into words and she got me on my page! Ara got my voice at a 101% that I only needed to have 2 words replaced during our revision period!

— Bea Vergara
Design Specialist & CEO, Beautifully Converts LLC